HARVARD Research : Ideas need to marinate, bake, and form before they move forward. Showers provide the time that takes.
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Its a proven research that we get best of our ideas during our morning shower time
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The story goes that Greek mathematician Archimedes was in the bath when he had his epiphany about the theory of buoyancy.
Washington Post : Why do we get our best ideas in the shower?
Readers Digest : The Surprising Reason the Best Ideas Come to You in the Shower
National Geographic : The science of why you have great ideas in the shower
Telegraph India :
Eureka! Why your best ideas come to you in the shower or on a walk
Presumably it was something about watching his own body bob about in the water that triggered the idea that the weight of an object can be determined by measuring the amount of water it displaces.
When you’re in the shower “you don’t have a lot to do, you can’t see much, and there’s white noise,” notes John Kounios, a cognitive neuroscientist and director of the Creativity Research Lab at Drexel University in Philadelphia. “Your brain thinks in a more chaotic fashion. Your executive processes diminish and associative processes amp up. Ideas bounce around, and different thoughts can collide and connect.”
If you’ve ever emerged from the shower with a clever idea or a solution to a problem you’d been struggling with, it may not be a fluke.
Do Your Best Ideas Come in the Shower?
I know I’m not the only one. Cognitive Scientist Scott Barry Kaufman did a study that found 72% of people get creative ideas in this particular location. He said, “We did a multinational study and found that people reported more creative inspiration in their showers that they did at work.”
Why is this the case? Showers are a safe place that provides “a dopamine high, relaxed state, and distracted mind,” factors that are ideal for the creativity and idea formation. Dopamine, critical to creativity, is released when we’re relaxed, feeling great, listening to music, exercising, and yes, taking a shower.
But, on top of dopamine, showers provide a chance to be distracted and give you, as one HARVARD researcher puts it, the “break you need to disengage from a fixation on the ineffective solution.” Ideas need to marinate, bake, and form before they move forward. Showers provide the time that takes.
Perhaps the reason why most of my creativity comes in the shower is that I’m not allowing space during the rest of day to let my mind wander and daydream. My day often feels like it is stuffed from the moment I wake up till the time I go to bed.
Research explains why a shower may just be the perfect storm of relaxation and inspiration.
Amid the mist and suds, a good shower can relax not only your body but also your mind, unleashing streams of consciousness, clarity and creativity.
Research shows that what is known as the “shower effect” also can occur outside the shower, and many of our best thoughts don’t happen at work or school — but occur while going about our days with ideas incubating in the background.
In a 2019 study, 98 professional writers and 87 physicists recorded their most creative idea each day, as well as what they were doing and thinking when it struck them.
While most of the ideas occurred at work, 20 percent of their most meaningful ideas came while doing something else — washing dishes or taking a shower. Notably, the ideas the writers and physicists had away from their jobs were self-assessed to be just as creative and important as the ones they had at work.
This is in itself pretty impressive, said Jonathan Schooler, professor of psychological and brain sciences at the University of California at Santa Barbara and author of the study.
“How many things can you do as successfully in the shower as you can while you’re at your desk?” he said.
But those spontaneous thoughts in the shower had another advantage: They were more likely to be “aha” experiences — modern Archimedes-in-the-bathtub Eureka moments — that overcame a creative impasse.
The sweet spot of mind wandering can aid creativity
The shower effect on creativity is the product of mind-wandering, where your thoughts are anywhere but on the task at hand.
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